Instructions for authors of article manuscripts
Instructions for authors in PDF format
1. Manuscript format
1.1. Article manuscripts submitted for Barents Studies: Peoples, Economies and Politics should be about 8000 words in length, including references.
1.2. Other contributions (book reviews, researcher presentations etc.) should be 500-800 words in length.
1.3. Submission implies that a similar manuscript has not been published nor is being reviewed for publication somewhere else.
1.4. The text should be double-spaced throughout, pages numbered and with wide margins. Text should be standard Times New Roman font 12 point. The manuscripts should be submitted in Word DOC or RTF format.
1.5. Manuscripts should be written in British English. The preferred source is the Oxford English Dictionary. Non-English authors are encouraged to seek professional editing help before submitting the manuscript.
1.6. The manuscript should include the following parts:
• A separate title page consisting
o full title of the article
o author’s name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information (email and postal address) of the corresponding author
o 4–6 keywords
• abstract 150-250 words
• The main text
o Up to 8000 words
o references
o tables (each on a separate page)
o figure captions
2. Title and headings
2.1. The title and the abstract of the article should reflect the content of the article.
2.2. The text of the article should be divided into chapters with short informative headings or sub-headings.
2.3. The authors should consider carefully the structure, style and logic of their argumentation in their article especially considering the multidisciplinary nature of the journal and its audience.
3. Figures and tables
3.1. Please provide the highest quality figure format possible.
3.2. Figures should be submitted as separate files and they should be given descriptive filename.
3.3. Figures and tables should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2). Figures and tables must be referred to by their numbers in the text.
3.4. Figure captions should be given on a separate page (see 1.6.) and numbered correspondingly.
4. References and quotations
4.1. Long quotations should be indented. Short quotes should be inside the text marked with quotation marks.
4.2. Acknowledgements, end notes and references should appear at the end of the article.
4.3. References in the text are made by giving the author’s name, the publication year and a page number. Example: (Isaksson and Jokisalo 2005, 206–207). Footnotes for referencing are not allowed.
4.4. The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order. In case of several papers by the same author, the references follow date order.
4.5. Russian titles should appear in the transliterated version followed by the title in English in square brackets.
Konstantinova, L., 2009. Transormatsiya sotsial’noi politiki: problemy sootvetsviya institutsional’nyh, prakticheskih i discursivnyh parametrov [Transformation of social policy: compliance issues of institutional, practical and discursive parameters]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstevnnogo universiteta.Filosofiya.Sotsiologiya. Politologiya, 2, 26, pp.49–60.
4.6. Authors are responsible for correct quotations, references, and any permissions needed for the article.
Examples of reference list
Journal and newspaper articles:
Larner, W. and Walters, W., 2002. The political rationality of “new regionalism”: Toward a genealogy of the region.Theory and Society, 31, 3, pp. 391–432.
Magis, K., 2010. Community resilience: An indicator of social sustainability. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, 23, 5, pp. 401–416.
Hansen, K. M., 2009. Halve Sydvaranger-stabener pendlere. Finnmarken June 10 2009. Available at: (Accessed 3 January 2014).
Chapter in books:
Ihamäki, E., 2004. Prostitution and Border. At the Meeting Point of Russian Women and Finnish Men. In: A. Saarinen and E. Carey-Belanger, eds., Crisis Centres and Violence against Women. Dialogue in the Barents Region. Gender Research: Methodology and Practice 7. Oulu: Oulu University Press, pp. 127–144.
Bayliss, P.D., 2003. Building an inclusive community. In: M.L.H. Hui and D.R. Howson, eds., Inclusive education in the new Millennium. Hong Kong and Macau: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 152–168.
Books and reports:
Relph, E., 1986. Place and placelessness. London: Pion.
Mazmanian, D.A. and Kraft, M.E., 2010. Toward sustainable communities: Transition and transformations in environmental policy. MIT Press.
Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry, 2013. Mineral Strategy. Available at: (Accessed 3 January 2014).
Report of UN conference on sustainable development, 2012. UN Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20–22 June 2012. A/CONF.216/16. Available at: (Accessed 3 January 2014).
Anttonen, A., 1997. Feminismi ja sosiaalipolitiikka. Miten sukupuolesta tehtiin yhteiskuntateoreettinen
ja sosiaalipoliittinen avainkäsite. [Feminism and social policy. Gendering social theory and social policy]. Tampere: Tampere University Press.
5. Submission of manuscripts
5.1. The manuscript submission is electronic. The manuscripts should be submitted via email to the editor-in-chief of the issue. Please check the contact details from the current call for papers.
6. Review process
6.1. After receiving the manuscript the editors will review whether the submission fits to the profile of the journal and whether it fulfills the basic academic quality criteria. After preliminary review all article manuscripts are subjected to double-blind peer review (does not concern book reviews or researcher and project presentations). The peer-review process is based on anonymity.
6.2. The manuscript will be reviewed by two independent reviewers who hold relevant expertise in the field. Authors are encouraged to suggest two to three potential reviewers for editors to use at their discretion.
6.3. The reviewers are asked to evaluate the general scientific level of the manuscript. They will also pay special attention e.g. to coherence and structure; the level of analysis; topicality and scientific value of the paper; use of sources and appropriate data and accordance of referencing.
6.4. As a result of peer-review the article will be either 1) recommended for publication, 2) recommended for publications after improvements or 3) not recommended for publication.
6.5. The editor-in-chief will forward the comments and recommendations to the corresponding author. If article is recommended for publication after improvements the corresponding author will be given a certain time (upon agreement) for corrections after which the article will be sent for second round of review. After the possible second round of peer-review, the reviewer will provide one of the following statements: 1) Article is recommended for publication or 2) Article is not recommended for publication.
7. Copyright
7.1. The author is responsible to have permissions to publish maps, and other material appearing in the article.
7.2. Before publishing the article the corresponding author will be asked to sign a publishing agreement. With the agreement author(s) give permission to publish the article in Barents Studies: Peoples, Economie and Politics. In the agreement author(s) also state to own full copyright in the article including images, tables and other material included with the article, or to have acquired the rights to these materials. In the agreement it is also stated that author(s) retain rights to publish the article again with either identical or modified content in print and/or in electronic form.
7.3. A PDF of the proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for checking before publication.
8. Authors’ copies
The author(s) will receive 10 complimentary copies of the print issue (concerns issues that are published both electronic and as print versions). Please provide postal address in the title page.