The Northern Sea Route, especially the Northeast Passage, is a shipping lane officially defined by Russian legislation between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean specifically running along the Russian Arctic coast from Murmansk on the Barents Sea, along Siberia, to the Bering Strait and Far East.
The route lies in Arctic waters and parts are free of ice for only
two months per year. Along with the warming in the Arctic, the passage
can be used more and more for shipping. Energy and time savings compared
to the normally used route vie Suez Canal are about 30-40%.
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld was the first to sail the Northern Sea Route during 22.6. 1878 - 20.8. 1879. The Vega ship got stuck in ice on 28.9. 1878, only two days distance from the Bering Strait. They had to wait ten months before they could sail again. Read more from Wikipedia on Nordenskiöld.