Instructions for authors of research communications
Barents Studies welcomes research communications that present, for example, latest research results, ongoing research projects or other issues of interest to the Barents Region in a shorter and more popularized form than traditional research articles. The submissions can be, for example, conference papers or overview articles. Research communications are peer-reviewed.
The authors of research communications should contact the editor-in-chief before submitting their paper in order to check the suitability of their topic for the journal.
A research communication should be maximum 5000 words in length.
Please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. The text should be double-spaced throughout, pages numbered and with wide margins. Text should be standard Times New Roman font 12 point. Research communications should be submitted in Word DOC or RTF format.
2. Research communications should be written in British English. The preferred source is the Oxford English Dictionary. Non-English authors are encouraged to seek professional editing help before submitting the review.
3. The research communication should include the following parts:
a. A separate title page consisting of full title of the paper
b. author’s name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information (email and postal address) of the corresponding author
c. 4–6 keywords
d. abstract 150-250 words
e. The main text: about 5000 words, including references and the abstract
4. References and quotations: please adhere to the guidelines given for research articles.
Research communications should be submitted via email to the editor-in-chief of the issue. Please check the contact details from the current call for papers.